The Watering Today App

watering today app loading page showing watering days per week and seasonal percentage
Get daily updates on how much water your plants need to be healthy and conserve at the same time.

The Watering Today app is helping to save millions of gallons of water a day. It achieves this by providing accurate watering information based on the users current and predicted weather conditions. This is achieved by asking a few setup questions about location, how hot it is likely to be in the summer and how frequently the property is likely to be irrigated.

Watering today app sprinkler run time page.  Showing run times for spray heads at 18 minutes, full circle rotors at 49 minutes.
Sprinkler run times based on user selections in the app setup.

After answering the basic setup questions the app will provide recommendations for sprinkler run times to help the user apply the proper amount of water during each watering. The user is prompted to set each watering station on their sprinkler timer to these run times. Only being suggestions, there is a tool to get more accuracy by checking the application rate for each zone.

Sprinkler run time frequency based on days of the week and plant type.
Check back weekly or when the weather changes for updates on watering days.

By setting the sprinkler timer to the recommended watering days after first setting the watering times, the user will get highly accurate adjustments. The app will also provide percentages for those that wish to keep the same watering days each week.

Sprinkler timer percentage of 89% adjustments based on location, weather and app settings.
Personal sprinkler run time percentage

By preforming these changes on a weekly basis, the user can be assured that they are being water conscious and still have the nicest looking plants on the block.

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